How about you&


About us

Welcome curious minds!

This is ‘How About You&? Or at least it will be, if you want co-create with it with us.

This is a podcast meant for plurals from plurals. It is focused on the small things that might get overlooked by other public media.

The goal of this platform is to bundle a wide scope of plural experiences, no matter how mundane or complex. An indepth conversation about navigating aspects of life as plural, or a rarely heard headmate who wants to talk about their favourite snacks. All stories are valid and we aim to present them in a non-hierarchical way. In the beginning this will mostly be an audio based medium, #Ziegelstein 🧱#5926 is creating an online treasury where you can explore different topics or wander through your personal audiotour. So that when you have been thinking about a particular topic… there’s other experiences out there to be found. And hopefully it will lead to recognition.. the “hey, us too!” or even “wow never thought of that”.

a treasury of plural experiences

The idea behind “How About You&” was that we’ve seen many collectives/systemmembers say that they love to share and like questions and others showing interest… and for us it was/is very validating to interact with others, cuz sharing about yourselves allows to explore more and getting to know what makes you you. So how cool would it be to create a platform where there will be spaceholders to have anysome share about all the topix.

We understand that planning a conversation/recording isn’t always a practical thing to do as plurals. But this “podcast” has no timed output, and rescheduling is always an option. If you are non verbal or spoken conversation takes more effort please let us help find a way to accommodate so that your story can also be heard, or read or….

if you like this project and want to participate have a scroll through the topix suggestions or tell us what you would like to share. We would love it if you help us grow this platform, cuz every voice/story is worth to be heard.

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