Plural Flags
We use a plentity of different plural flags and symbols? Where do they come from?
Plural Flags
The community around plurality uses a plentiful amount of different symbols and flags to identify with. And lots of them are very pretty. So we decided to use some of them, to share some attention to them, but of course also to have some more graphical elements. To go a step further, we want to explain the meaning behind the symbols and flags, give a spotlight to the creators and show our support.
We think that having a symbol that can create a shared identity is especially important for beings which identity is more complex than usual. Giving these beings something to choose is as important as giving them something to unite.
And lastly, since most of these motives are spread over the wide world of the internet, please consider this as a try to collect many flags in one central place, even though it will take some time.
List of plural flags
We are currently using the following flags:
- The treble ampersand
- Inclusive Pride Flag
- Endogenic System Flag
- Plural Pride Flag
The Treble Ampersand Flag is our choosen symbol for the podcast, it is meant to be an all-inclusive pride flag for everyone under the plural umbrella, it was created in the dreamwidth comunityTreble Ampersand Flag
A Plural Pride Flag that should include all people involvet in plurality.. Created by The Trender SystemInclusive Plural Pride Flag
The exact meaning of the colors are unknown, it is still very visually pleasing. Created by u/MrMrMANGOMILKPlural Pride Flag
What symbols what? Created by StupidStardust for the PSAZ discord.Revolutionary Plural Flag
Represents Endogenic Systems. Creator unknown.Endogenic Prideflag
A flag to represent Syskids, Littles and Inner children. Created by SyskidsPlural Pride Flag